How to Participate
Want to Get Involved?
The survey is currently relying on iNaturalist as a way for participants to submit their mammal sightings. It’s free to use, so all users have to do is sign up with an email address and “join” our project (“Long Island Mammal Survey”). From there you can submit photos from your computer. There is also a free mobile app that you can use to submit photos from your phone.
See the video tutorials below on how to upload sightings from mobile devices and web browsers.
A third video details how to set up a trail camera to survey mammal activity.

Adding an Observation on a Mobile Device
Adding an Observation via the Web
Setting up a Trail Camera
Using Trail Cameras to Survey Long Island’s Wild Mammals (Presented on Jan. 31, 2023)
By Janet Pesaturo
author of “Camera Trapping Guide: Tracks, Sign and Behavior of Eastern Wildlife”
In this one-hour Zoom training, Janet introduces the basics of trail cameras: how they work, how to choose one, how to set them up, and how to deter theft. She also discusses how to read the landscape to determine smart camera placement and concludes the program with an introduction to wildlife tracking and how to use track & sign observations to refine camera placement. Species of particular interest to the Long Island Mammal Survey are used as examples.